Friday, June 1, 2012

A journey that changed my life forever.

Hello my name is Ben Marchman and I was a part of the Disney College Program in 2011. Here is my story.
In August of 2010 I joking applied for the Disney College Program and then I had an interview. Two weeks later in September I got an email and I will never forget what happened after that. I opened up the email and all I read was the word congratulations and I screamed and ran into the room where the best grandma ever was laying. My grandma was on hospice because she was very sick with cancer. She had to be the first person I told because when I had the interview she was just as excited as I was. I will never forget the smile on her face when I told her I was going to work for Disney World. I know without a doubt she is so happy for me now. When she passed away I had second thought of coming down to Florida but I never let anyone know. But then I sat down and thought about my life before I applied for the College Program. Many major events happened to me before I came so I knew I should go off and do something like this because it would teach me many things about life. So I came and that's when my life was changed .... forever. 

In January 2011 I got in my car to drive to Florida and left all my friends and family behind and I was really scared but I knew I would be okay. Coming to work for Disney was always a dream of mine and I actually felt like I was doing something with my life so I had to follow through. Words can not begin to explain the excitement that I felt when I walked into my apartment knowing that was my place of residency for 8 months. After day one I knew this internship was perfect for me because within an hour I already had ten new friends, a pass to go to Disney for free everyday and a great apartment. After working there for eight months and being without family you learn a lot about yourself, your friends and life in general. Eight months at Disney was the best experience I have ever had. So here comes August....time for me to go home. Which is something I do not want to do. So lets get to the story. 

When I arrived at home it was very hard. I was a changed boy and no one understood the pain of leaving Disney and the amazing people I met. When all my friends and family asked me questions about Disney all I ever talked about was how much fun I had meeting new friends and playing in the parks. But this internship taught me so many new things which I never got the chance to tell anyone. So I want to talk about that. Obviously working at Disney, getting in free everyday and meeting hundreds of new friends every day is amazing. But there is so much more than that. So here we go.

After thinking about it here are the real things working at Disney taught me. Things get better. Its a statement Disney uses to tell people that things always get better no matter if it is pain from a relationship, people bullying you or something as simple as a fight with a friend. Money management. I learned how to pay rent, buy food, pay for gas, and do all the other things an adult has to do. Be a leader not a follower. Be true to yourself. How to not get nervous in front of people. Before I came I use to get nervous in a crowd but then I got placed on Kilimanjaro Safaris where I had to drive a truck with 40 guests on it and talk to them and it really improved my social skills. I learned facts about 41 animals. I learned secrets about how to create magic, how a theme park works, how to run an attraction, how to handle money, how to always be happy, how to save money. I also discovered that I want to major in Hospitality or Broadcasting and minor in Theatre. I now have friends all over the world...even in other countries so I can't begin to describe how much I know about other states and countries now. I have learned a simple smile will make a persons day. Family is always going to be there for you even when your 400 miles away. You learn from your mistakes. Always listen to your heart. Follow your dreams and never give up no matter how many people try to bring you down. All I have ever wanted to do is change someones life or put a smile on their face and I learned that to do that all you simply must do is smile and show you care about someone. Never hold your friends far from your heart. And many more things. But there are a few.

I thank all of my friends and family who have supported me through all of this. After my first college program I decided that it wasn't enough so I am currently still working at Walt Disney World and it has been the best decision I have ever made. Although sometimes it gets rough I know I can handle it and things will always happen the way they are planned. I can defiantly say this journey would not be possible without my amazing friends and family and of course God. Im not sure how long I plan to stay here but I can honestly say this is where I am happy. But I can say it is very hard to be away from my family especially my brothers who look up to me. But according to my brother he tells all his friends I work at Disney and they are all jealous and want to do it one day. So I can say I am a role model to someone which makes me feel good. Just know that there is never a day that goes by when I just want to go home for a week and see everyone but then life would be to easy. So I will stay here and the rest will be a journey. This path my life is going on has been incredible and I can not wait to see where else it takes me. Thanks to everyone who supports me no matter what my decisions are. Your the reason I know I can do the things I have my heart set on.

If you have made it this far into the blog all I ask is that you please leave a comment. No matter if all it says is I love you or something as simple as that. Obviously you care about me or you would not be reading it to start with. And if you made it through this long blog then obviously you love me. I can not thank you enough for caring and reading no matter who you are just know your amazing. :) Thank you so much. I hope you learned something from this or at least it put a smile on your face. 

Ben Marchman :))

Dreams Come True     Walt Disney